SSL certificate stands for Secure Sockets Layer, it basically enables https on your site which makes your site secured.
A client (often a web browser) and a server can establish an encrypted connection using the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol (usually a web server). An SSL certificate is a digital certificate that is used to enable SSL encryption and verify the legitimacy of a website.
The first thing a user's web browser does when they access a website with an SSL certificate is examine the certificate to make sure it was issued by a reputable Certificate Authority (CA). Any sensitive data that is transmitted between the browser and server, such as login credentials, credit card information, and other personal details, are protected if the certificate is valid and trusted.
Step 1: Go to CloudFlare and sign up for FREE
step 2 : Enter your domain name
Step 3:
step 4: Go to your Domain Registrar and Add the NameServer given by CloudFlare